Helena Christian School
Helena Christian School is in the middle of a capital campaign to raise money for a new building at a new location! We have purchased 30 acres on Diehl Ranch Drive and Canyon Ferry Road. We would love for you to partner with us as we educate, build, and inspire students to serve their Savior. These students are the future generation of our community!
Thank you for giving to Helena Christian and supporting the school as we Educate, Build, and Inspire students for the cause of Christ.
Here are a few ways to give:
1) Scan the QR code or click the DonorPerfect link below;
2) Through the Thrivent link below; or
3) Through the mail (check) @ 3384 Canyon Ferry Road, East Helena, MT 59635
The links below allow you to donate via banking accounts or with a credit card.
We are truly blessed by your giving and are so grateful for the support.
Athletic Ads &
Yearbook Ads
Show your support by purchasing an ad to display on our athletic poster or banner and/or in the annual yearbook.